Monday, January 30, 2012

Auntie K K and Uncle Ty Ty

I miss this guy more and more everyday. I keep getting these adorable pictures of him and it makes me sad. I seriously can't believe he will be 6 months in Feb. Time has gone by sooo fast and it's hard to imagine him being a year old in August. I so look forward to him being a toddler, because I can let him know how much I love/miss him! He is going to be the cutest kid ever!!! I love you Drew Allen Davis!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

When I Was Your Age

Time and time again you will hear people say, "when I was your age...blah blah blah." It does get old, but think about it. As years go by, we gain more and more knowledge. We learn things that we probably couldn't comprehend at an earlier age.

When I was 16, all I cared about was driving. When I was 18, all I cared about was "becoming an adult." When I was 21, all I was excited for was being able to gamble and public(LOL). Now having gone through all those exciting times, I am now looking forward to turning 25. Why? Because I AM an adult, and now realizing things are not just handed to me. You have to work for them, and 1 dollar is a lot more valuable to me.

So, with that said, I am excited to turn 25 because my insurance will drop! :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Anniversary

It's been one year since Tyler and I adventured to the corn field land of Nebraska. I can't believe how fast this last year has gone by. It was definitely one of my most stressful years, but am thankful that the Lord got us through. I always forget to be appreciative for what I do have in my life and my surroundings. I now know how much family and prayer affect my life. But most of all, how God blessed me with a partner in life. Going through rough times definitely opened my eyes to learn to lean on Tyler more and more.

I am looking forward to this year, learning how to stick to a budget and save. We are both on the same page on where our finances are going, and are determined to put us in a good spot for our return to AZ. We have a positive attitude on 2012 and do not want anything getting in our way!! :)

Monday, October 3, 2011's been too long!

So, a lot has changed since the last post. My sister became a mother and Tyler became a coach. It's fall, so Tyler is in football season! They are doing ok, but always have room for improvement. He is doing such a great job coaching, they offered him a G.A. For those who do not know, it is a Graduates Assistant. Meaning he can get his Masters for free after he graduates. It's not for sure what we are doing, so nothing is set in stone. As for my sister having her baby, I could not be happier being an Aunt. I feel so blessed for such a handsome nephew. Got to be with him a little a few weeks ago, and it was very difficult to say goodbye :(

Since it is fall in the mid-west, the leaves are changing, the air is crisp, and it's getting chilly. AZ is VERY different, as summer and fall are the same thing! LOL! Even with all this beauty, I miss home like CRAZY. I now understand how much of a city girl I really am. Everything is super slow paced here. Which, Tyler loves! :)

All in all, things are good, and we have a lot to discuss about our next 4 years!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Missing St Cloud...

I seriously was so scared to move to Minnesota. I was sad leaving everything I knew to start a new life. Well, coming to Nebraska I am sad that we left. I started getting used to our little life we made over there. It was beautiful and had pretty decent shopping. 60,000 + people was not horrible. Coming to Hastings, its a lot different than anything I am used to. Pretty much all the stores here close on Sundays and close early on weekdays. It's so low key and it scares me that I am already used to it. I will forever miss Minnesota, but will not go live.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What a change!

Wow, I have not updated in a long time! Well, a lot has changed within the last few months. In Oct, Tyler decided he wanted to play football again, so after HOURS of talking, we came to the conclusion it would be a good thing for both of us. So, Tyler got accepted and made the team! In January, we packed up our apartment and moved to Hastings, Nebraska. Not quite as cold as Minnesota, but not warm like AZ. In this transition, I sent out a massive amount of resumes to banks in the local area (Hastings, Grand Island). I ended going through several interviews and ended up negociating between two different banks. I got a job working as a full time teller at a bank 20 minutes away. Oh! I can't believe I almost forgot! We landed a sweet apartment right in downtown Hastings. We are right above Jimmy John's and can smell the delicious bread in our buildings hallway.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Weight Watchers!

Oh my goodness. When I first joined, I thought, "Am I wasting my money? Is this really going to do anything for ME?" To answer my own questions, no and yes. I am not wasting my money because it is working! I have lost 6 pounds already, and closer to what I used to be! I try going to the gym whenever I can, but I feel more motivated to eating healthier. It is a lifestyle change that I can maintain without getting frustrated. PLUS, I can eat a "fun" meal once a week! It's great!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's Been A While!

So, I have not blogged in a while, and I thought it is time! Our trip to Arizona was such a great time! We got to see lots of people and do the majority of the things we wanted to! So fun! It was sad to leave our families and friends, but we know that it is NOT goodbye! Coming back, I did find out that I love the Bravo channel. Kathy Griffin makes me laugh!! Also decided to join Weight Watchers with a friend! I think it will be a good thing to learn how to manage food intake. It is surprising how we can just gorge on food and not even realize what we are really doing. I lovvvve food, so I know I am completely guilty. I already told Ty he is doing it with me! Haha! He knows how many points he can have and everything! ;) But I am totally ready for the discipline!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Home Bound.

When it became official that we were moving, I thought to myself, "I can't wait to get out of AZ!" Now looking back, it makes me sad that I did not appreciate my home. Arizona is my home. It is where my heart is. We are going to be making a trip out to good ol AZ in less than 2 weeks, and I am ecstatic! It is going to be comforting knowing that we are going to be surrounded by our family and close friends!

Friday, May 7, 2010

It doesn't feel like it did.

So yesterday was my 22nd birthday! My wonderful family got me the camera I have been wanting and Tyler got me a cute little notebook laptop! I got the day off of work, and Ty had plans for us! Although I wasn't able to know, I did figure it out! He was going to take me to a local zoo, then dinner! Sounded super fun and I couldn't wait! We got down to the zoo, and they were closing. Oh well, we can go some other time. We decided just to go to the restaurant called...SPACE ALIENS! Haha. Definitely was different! We ended up buying Avatar, and going home. All in all, I did enjoy my birthday and realized I don't have to do something big to enjoy my birth :)

Monday, April 19, 2010


I have seriously gone into "wife" mode lately. I clean like crazy, plant flowers, and got super excited when I found out I could paint. I picked out the colors today and I realized I now need a new comforter. THEN, I started thinking about how I want to decorate. It is crazy to me how I went from being a normal 21 year old, to a domestic woman. I love it though! It keeps me occupied looking online for new stuff, and I am not freaking out that we can't do anything! Ya know, since we have an apartment. Still, cannot wait til we move back to Arizona and get a house!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Baby struck!

Ahhh! I can't stand it! I see all these cutie pa-tootie babies, and it makes me nuts. I want a baby sooo badly, but know it DEFINITELY is not the right time. I can't wait for Ty and I to announce we are having a little one. All the adorable babies make me realize how much I want to have one of God's precious creations. Hopefully, my sister Amy, will bring one into the world soon to help me calm of this baby craze!!

Congrats to all the women who have just had a baby, or in the process of! It is a beautiful thing.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

No more, cat!

Oh lordy! Ever since we have been here, my cat has turned into an insane feline. In AZ, she would wake everyone up at 4:00 in the morning just to be fed. She now wakes us up to PLAY!!! I swear she is like a wanna-be kitten. As much as I love her, it annoys me that she wants to play non stop. Right when we wake up, right when we get home from somewhere, or when we are watching a movie. And only loves ONE toy! Anyone want her? ;)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cold weather? Psshhh...what's that?

Open patio door, windows down while driving, and no jacket needed. Sounds to me like spring is on it's way to us! I keep hearing from my family how nice it is there. Tell ya what. When we get back to AZ, for good, I will NOT complain when it is 50 degrees outside. While everyone is wearing their jackets and getting bundled up, I will be outside with a t-shirt and my flippy floppies.

On the subject of "open patio door," I was cleaning the apartment today, and had the door wide open. While vacuuming, my kitty got scared and ran. I wanted to play with her after I was done, and could not find her for the life of me. Tyler and I searched our place and outside everywhere. After making a bunch of fliers, she just pops right out of the most random hiding spot. I was so livid at that point, that I wanted nothing to do with her. But I am very grateful is alive and safe :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

It has been an adventure thus far!

So, Tyler has been in school, and I, Katie, have been working. I just recently got hired with Olive Garden as a server. Money isn't nearly as glamorous as it was with the bank, but is definitely income. I know that God is watching out for us, and is always there no matter what! We miss everyone at home, and cannot WAIT to get back in June. Jacob is graduating. Can you believe it? JACOB!!! The baby!

The married life is great for all those single people! It's really nice to come home and have some one there to greet you. It's fun to cook dinner for each other and try new recipes. It's fun to be in a place we aren't familiar with, and try new places! All in all, I love it, and would not trade it for the world! Everyone keeps asking us when we are planning to have kids. We seriously JUST got married, and are going to wait a few years. Just so we have "our" time and Ty can finish school. Maybe just a couple ;)